Sunday, July 29, 2012

All My Friends are Bitches.


Oops! I haven't been sticking by my little weekly thing yet! Oh Well! My life is going well. Tomorrow=end of school (or rather last day before a 2 week March vacation).  I cannot wait. Tess's batmitzvah is the 9th and I'm wearing a very cool dress that I think makes me look really sexy/beautiful (sorry to brag to you. but it's not like I'm gonna brag to you, but it's not like I'm gonna brag to Hayley or Tess or anyone!) 
I'm going to ask Ned to dance at Tess's party!! it's not like he'd say no, so that should be great! I'm nervous though-- he'll either not want to dance, want to dance as a friend, or want to dance like REALLY dance, if you know what I mean.... But we're such good friends that I'm thinking I'm guaranteed a "yes". 
Also, Diana's parents are gonna be away for the weekend and she's staying here all weekend! The only bad thing is (yuck) dinner tonight-- chicken pot pie. Corey no want! 
Oh, the other bad thing is grades (possibly) and this science project thing. Also, Hayley is a bitch. Okay, so maybe bitch is a tad strong, but still! I mean, she is annoying as hell, and is definitely a brat. I am trying the good ole ignore tactic. Avoiding is always a good source of fun! 
Youth group tomorrow should be fun!
Diana got a bra. Um, that's it! 
Peace and Love,

I really tend to hate my best friends. It's sort of amazing. I don't know if you've noticed but basically my ONLY friends at my new school are Tess and Hayley, and I have bitched about both of them basically non stop. And called both of them annoying bitches. The only person who I usually seem to like is Diana. Who got a bra. Which is great. And Big News.

And yep. I used the phrase "Corey no want". I'm now baby-talking in my journal. WTF.


  1. This made me snort my water when I was reading. Thought you should know.
    (Also, the bra is still working out.)

  2. Hahahaha which part made you snort?? The bra?

    SO glad you made that work. What a big moment. Thank god I recorded it.
